Sandi & Tedi's Litter
Born Thursday September 30th at 10:20 AM!
Meet Mr. Red!
He was our first puppy born at 10:20am 9/30/21.
Mr. Red at 2 weeks old seems very laid back & focused on milk time!
Meet Mr. Purple!
He was our second puppy born at 10:22am.
At 2 weeks old, Mr. Purple is our smallest puppy of the litter, due to his non-aggressiveness at milk time. He is not a runt, just pretty laid back.
Meet Mr. Blue!
He was our third puppy born at 10:24am. He falls asleep when we weigh him, but is a strong drinker - at 2 weeks old he weighs the most.
Meet Mr. Yellow!
He was our fourth puppy born at 10:26 am. After 2 weeks, I predict he will be my artistic one. If he doesn't find a good spot for milk time, he circles the whole litter & comes in from the back. Sometimes he will just go over!
Meet Miss. Pink!
She was the fifth puppy born at 10:28 am & first girl pup! Ms. Pinky has found her vocal cords at 2 weeks! She somehow found herself on the bottom of a puppy pile and she let those boys know to let her out!
Meet Mr. Sky Blue!
He was our sixth puppy born at 10:30 am.Mr. Sky Blue seems very laid back so far at eating time but he hangs in there and is one of the larger ones.
Meet Mr. Tan/Green!
He was our seventh puppy born at 10:32 am. Mr Tan has been renamed to Mr. Green due to he is a breath of fresh air! He is the first to climb out of the weighing basket - Always ready for some loving.
Meet Mr. Orange!
He was our eighth puppy born at 10:34 am. I really want to call him Bevo but he is not the biggest. So far he is very easy going but he does love his milk!
Meet Miss. Violet!
She was our ninth puppy born at 10:36 am. Ms. Violet is one of 2 girls. They both are a little smaller than the boys already but they try to keep up!